Sabrage Competition - Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions set out the rules, conditions, provisions and clauses governing this promotion which is by participating into this competition, eligible entrants can be the sole winner randomly picked or selected out of this campaign who is entitled to a Prize granted by DiVino. (“Promotion”).



Conditions of Entry

  1. This promotion is organised by DiVino, ABN 43197287989, Liquor Licence LIQP770017815 of 38 Station Street, Mount Victoria NSW Australia 2786.
  2. Entry is open to residents of Australia aged 18 years and over, who enter the Promotion in the required manner as stated in these terms and conditions ("Eligible Entrants").
  3. Employees of Promoter (including its affiliates and member companies under, its related bodies corporate, suppliers, agencies, licensees and their immediate families are not permitted to enter.


Duration of Promotion

  1. The Promotion will commence at 1800 AEDT on Sunday, 5 March 2023 and will continue until 2359 AEST on Sunday 9 April 2023 ("Promotion Period").


How to Enter

  1. To enter the Promotion, Eligible Entrants must enter on Instagram or TikTok.

For entry to the competition on Instagram, Eligible Entrants can:

- follow @divinocomau on Instagram (1 entry)

- like the competition post (1 entry)

- tag a friend in the comments of the competition post (1 entry per tag)

- share the competition post in an Instagram Story (3 entries)

- create an Instagram reel or post sabraging a bottle of sparkling & tag @divinocomau (10 entries)


For entry to the competition on Tiktok, Eligible Entrants can:

- follow @divinocomau on TikTok (1 entry)

- like the competition post (1 entry)

- tag a friend in the comments of the competition post (1 entry per tag)

- create an TikTok sabraging a bottle of sparkling & tag @divinocomau (10 entries)


  1. Entrants can enter as many times as they like.
  2. Incomplete, inaccurate, erroneous, illegible or incomprehensible entries will be deemed invalid. Entries must be received by the Promoter during the Promotional Period. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for late, lost or misdirected entries.
  3. Any costs associated with accessing the competition remain the responsibility of each Entrant and are dependent on the Internet Service Provider used.


Selection of Prize Winner

  1. There will be one (1) draw which will generate one (1) Major Prize Winner at random from all eligible entries received by the Promoter during the Promotion Period.
  2. The Major Prize draw will take place on Monday 10th April 2023.
  3. The Major Prize Winner will be published on DiVino’s Instagram @divinocomau and TikTok @divinocomau accounts and the winner will be contacted via DM on the platform that they entered the competition by 1700 AEDT Tuesday 11 April 2023.
  4. The Major Prize Winner must claim the Prize before 11 July 2023. Although every effort will be made to contact the Major Prize Winner, should an unclaimed Prize draw be necessary, a redraw will be held at 1200 AEST 12 July 2023.
  5. The Promoter will not enter into correspondence regarding the result of the Prize Draw.


Prize Details

  1. There will be only one (1) Major Prize Winner. The Prize entitled by the Major Prize will consist of six (6) bottles of wine.
  2. Total Prize value up to $200 AUD.



  1. The Promoter reserves the right to request the Major Prize Winner to provide proof of identity, proof of employment status, proof of age, proof of residency and/or proof of entry validity in order to claim a Prize. Proof of identification, residency, age as over 18 and entry considered suitable for verification is at the discretion of the Promoter. In the event that a winner cannot provide suitable proof, the winner will forfeit the Prize in whole and no substitute will be offered and a new Major Prize Winner will be selected at random.
  2. The personal information of Entrants (which is necessary for the Promotion) will be collected to enable the Promoter to administer and promote this Promotion, select the winner, contact the Prize Winner (or, if applicable, the winner of an Unclaimed Prize Draw), and to grant the Prize. Promoter will handle their personal information in accordance with the Promoter's privacy policy, which is available at: If an Entrant refuses to provide or provide incomplete/false personal information, the Promoter may determine that they are not eligible to win the Prize.
  3. Should an Entrant’s contact details change during the Promotion Period, it is the Entrant’s responsibility to notify the Promoter in due course. A request to access or modify any information provided in an entry should be directed to the Promoter.
  4. By accepting the Major Prize, the winner agrees to participate in and co-operate as required with all reasonable media, social media and editorial requests relating to the Prize, including but not limited to, being interviewed and photographed. The winner will not be entitled to any fee or reimbursed for participating in these activities. The winner agrees to grant the Promoter the royalty free, worldwide, sub-licensable, perpetual right/license to use the name, likeness, image and/or voice in the interview, photograph, or film/recording (if applicable) when participating in these activities, in all medias for the purpose of reporting the prize draw and marketing/promoting the Promoter.
  5. By entering this competition, Entrants agree to allow the Promoter to announce the Major Prize Winner on the Promoter’s Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn accounts, the Promoter’s website ( and within the Promoter’s electronic direct mail (eDM) communication.
  6. To the extent permitted by law, the Promoter is not responsible or liable for:
  7. inaccurate/incorrect transcription of entry information;
  8. purported entries that are not received for any reason, including because they are lost, misdirected or stolen, or that are received, but are late, illegible, incomplete, sent with insufficient postage (where entry is by post), or sent other than as directed in the entry instructions;
  • any problems or technical failures of any kind, including malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems or network, servers or providers, computer equipment, or software;
  1. the unavailability or inaccessibility of any service whether or not caused by traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website;
  2. unauthorised human intervention in any part of the competition;
  3. electronic or human error which may occur in the administration of the competition;
  • any harm, injury, loss suffered or sustained, to person or property and including, but not limited to, consequential (physical or economic) loss arising in connection with the execution of the competition entry or supply of any goods or services by any person to a Prize Winner and, where applicable, to any family/persons accompanying a Prize Winner; or any injury or damage to persons or property, including to the participant's or any other person's computer or mobile phone related to, or resulting from, participation or downloading any materials in this competition.
  1. The Promoter will not be liable for personal injury suffered during participation in the Promotion or use of the Prize, except to the extent directly caused by the Promoter's gross negligence or wilful misconduct. If requested by the Promoter, the Prize Winner(s), and his or her guests, must sign and return any liability release and indemnity provided by the Promoter and/or its contractors as a condition of a Prize being awarded. Failure to return the signed releases and indemnities may result in the entitlement to the Prize being forfeited and the selection of another Prize Winner.
  2. No Prize substitution or cash equivalent of Prize will be awarded is the wine bottles are not available due to the winner’s fault or any force majeure event (e.g. natural disasters, pandemic, government restrictions, etc.).
  3. The Prize is not transferrable.
  4. These above conditions do not affect, and is not intended to affect, any rights a consumer might have, which cannot be excluded under applicable consumer protection laws.
  5. To the fullest extent permitted by law, any liability of the Promoter or its servant or agents under this promotion is limited to the value of the Prize.
  6. This Promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered or associated with Meta (Facebook or Instagram) or TikTok.